What is the relation between language and the understanding of the world, or rather between semiotic language(s) and our perception of our environment? My fellow student and I asked ourselves these questions for our joint diploma project. The conclusions we reached after discussing established philosophical positions were summarized in a fictitious dialogue with Heidegger, Hegel, Derrida & Co. and divided into five acts. The texts are laid out in dramatic form. As a kind of frame, the rather abstract ideas are supplemented by C4D visualizations and joined by a second book (separated by the fold of the common cover) with essays by renowned contributors.
Cover folded 325 × 244 mm, Cover unfolded 325 × 990 mm; digital print, scodix varnish, direct printing with 4c varnish; metapaper extrasmooth & extramatt, 10 copies, 2019. In collaboration with Erika Mai. ♥
What is the relation between language and the understanding of the world, or rather between semiotic language(s) and our perception of our environment? My fellow student and I asked ourselves these questions for our joint diploma project. The conclusions we reached after discussing established philosophical positions were summarized in a fictitious dialogue with Heidegger, Hegel, Derrida & Co. and divided into five acts. The texts are laid out in dramatic form. As a kind of frame, the rather abstract ideas are supplemented by C4D visualizations and joined by a second book (separated by the fold of the common cover) with essays by renowned contributors.
Cover folded 325 × 244 mm, Cover unfolded 325 × 990 mm; digital print, scodix varnish, direct printing with 4c varnish; metapaper extrasmooth & extramatt, 10 copies, 2019. In collaboration with Erika Mai. ♥